Friday Funk Has Lifted….

What a difference a day makes thank God Friday is over! 6 hours sleep and still emotional over the amazing opening ceremony last night!.

There was an amazing rendition of “Abide With Me” by Emeli Sande that reduced me to tears, this hymn holds a special place in my heart as it is played at family funerals.

I hope you can see the video if not you MUST search for it on youtube!

What did you make of the ceremony? Was it too British for some people overseas to understand?

I loved it especially when James Bond met the Queen!

Proud to be British this morning!


6 comments on “Friday Funk Has Lifted….

  1. Loved Emeli Sande!! Never knew of her, so thank you for posting this!! What an amazing voice she’s been gifted with!! I wasn’t able to watch the Queen and J.B. because “The uploader has not made this video available in your country.” So pfffttt to the uploader!! HA!! 😀

    I pray you have a blessed Saturday, Garry!!


  2. I’m British but tell you what I loved it. Apart from the walking around bit which got a bit boring (but it was okay because, didi I mention I was at a party) and Seb Coe who is an idiot-hole and Macca who ought to consider shutting up with his nah nah nahs now 😀


  3. i completely forgot about this beautiful song that played …it absolutely gave me chills. was a little the like Glee singers (music was great dont get me wrong) and with our own American commentators speaking over top of everything trying to get the story out and explain it just got to be too much. the fireworks around the stadium and the streets of London was definitely a site to see. 🙂


  4. British is exactly what was it was supposed to be, no? Anything else would have been false. Thought I would enjoy it more if Meridith and Matt had just shut up! Their commentary was forced. ugh BUT that was no fault of the great UK.


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