
Coming to a cinema near you soon….. ok maybe not but when you take your daughter on a day trip to London Zoo dont tell her that she is in charge and we can do whatever she wants….

This is the result

Had a wonderful day out with my princess today. Although the weather was against us and the last bastard lions and tigers were asleep its about making memories with her.

I’m in a great place, the holiday has changed me and I’m determined to live my life in the present not worrying about the past or the future.

London is a great city and as Londoners we tend to forget the amazing places we have on our doorstep. I used to love just jumping on the central line and heading around the city aimlessly and today was first time in about 2 years I’ve been up there.

The Zoo itself is a good day out if a little expensive but then what attraction in London isnt? Exercise, day out with daughter, sleeping bit cats… What more do i need. Even the double takes and looks of amusement on people’s faces as they saw me walking towards them only made it better.

I intend to take her up there more often show her the palace, museums etc although without the face paint preferably. However Lilybet gets what she wants if it makes the day better for her. Even better if i do it now i dont have to pay for her on the underground šŸ˜ƒ

Oh and the paint finally came off after a lot of scrubbing lol

When Moosey met WeeGee

It was almost like when Harry met Sally – almost! Okay it was nothing like that because A) I’m Garry not Harry and 2) she is not called Sally but it was a day when two great minds collided and put the world to rights. That also did not happen…

What happened is that I finally got to meet Weegee – my bestest blogging buddy!

Weegee was the first person to like, comment and follow my blog and has been my go to person ever since I started writing.

She was much more lovely in real life and we had a wonderful day exploring the south bank of the Thames and walking round for ages until she admitted she was lost (she didnt admit that of course but my moose instincts told me so hehehe)

Sometimes in life all you need is great company, a big mac and some peroni (the nicest beer ever!) Ā and if you get the chance to meet someone from the online community then grasp it and dont look back!

It is the one thing I say often on this blog about the importance of getting out and about and meeting friends. Do it and do it now, a stranger is a friend you have not met (copyright ME:2013)

Click here for weegee’s version of events and lament the fact that we enjoyed the day so much we forgot to take any bloody pictures.

Nature, Science, Music, Friends and a Happy Moose

Yesterday I went for another meet up in London with some friends. Facebook friends for years but we had never met in person and I was delighted when Nicholaus sent me a message telling me he would be coming to London and would I like to meet up with him. As a couple of other friends worked in the area I messaged them and we arranged for them to join us as well.

I left home 3 hours before our planned meeting time and headed to South Kensington tube station excitedly as I had a brainwave to visit the Natural History Museum beforehand. I still have fond memories of a visit there when I was 10 or 11 but hadn’t been again so I was looking forward to roaming the walls of the building again.

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum


The building itself is stunningly beautifulĀ never mindĀ the exhibits just the amazon architecture blows me away.

As you walk into the building your greeted by a dinosaur

The diet had worked a bit too well!

The diet had worked a bit too well!

There was also an exhibit of some massive antlers! imagine the size of the beast who wore these things..

Too big even for my massive head!

Too big even for my massive head!

I really was in my element wandering around, ipod on, lost in the wonders of the museum.

Taking photos of the building as much as the exhibits, especially as the lighting in the place is not great for photos but I did at least try! David Bailey I am not!

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The ceiling of the museum

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Having spent a good hour and half around the museum it was time to meet Nicholaus. By this point I was buzzing, the museum really helped relax me and when Nicholaus arrived, after getting the hour later train then having a power cut at Victoria underground station LOL we headed to the Science museum.

I am more interested in natural history than science if truth be told so much preferred the Natural History Museum but must admit to being devastated at the price of a decent moose hat in the shop! But Ā£12 for aĀ novelty hat is well outside my budget! heck that would have cut into my Big Mac fund šŸ˜€

Next we headed to the Royal Albert Hall

Moose at the Royal Albert Hall

where we were joined by the others

Moosetagnon and the 3 Mooseketeers

Moosetagnon and the 3 Mooseketeers


The beer was great and the conversation even better – easily the best day of the year for me! I had an absolute blast meeting with these friends for the first time. I really do best in social situations like this! despite my miserable bastard persona at time I love being around people and this was such a wonderful day!

A day of culture for the moose – who’d a thunk it!

And as the day was so good I rewarded myself on the way home

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However someone forgot to take his IBS tablets for the day and the day was almost ruined whilst trying to find 30p to use the toilet at Victoria Station! THIRTY PENCE! honestly what a joke to have to pay to use the toilets, but thankfully I made it JUST in time.

Luckily for you guys I decided against photographing the aftermath but if I had taken a picture it would have looked something like this…

why I MUST take my IBS tablets

why I MUST take my IBS tablets


I really cannot recommend enough making plans with friends and getting out and about! It always makes me feel on top of the world to be around people who WANT my company and want to be with me. Living on the border of East London means it is only 25 minutes to the West End for me and I really enjoy heading to London Ā for the day to socialise!

The rewards of the struggle to get out are so worth the trouble – if you get the chance to make some plans do so! make some if you have not already I will happily meet people at any station in London for a day out! This is the 4th time this year I have managed to meet people! Im bloody proud of myself for this and already making plans for the next meeting.

London is waiting for you and the Moose will be your guide if you need it. I am fairly cheap, normally a beer and a MacDonald’s will keep me happy and I guarantee it will be worth your while!

You will even get a business card for your troubles and they are priceless, and by that I mean I did not pay for them šŸ˜€

I’m Back…..Here’s Moosey!!!

I hope you have been reading and enjoying the guest posts that people have been brave enough to write and share with us all. I feel very proud of myself for giving people a place to share they experience of depression and other illnesses both from a sufferer and a therapists perspective and hope there will be more people coming forward with their posts.

Click here for a link to all the guest posts.

So what you been doing Moosey? I hear you all cry

The truth is, not a lot really. Apart from Monday when I met with Gary Dart, aĀ FacebookĀ buddy of mine for about 5 years! He also happens to be one of my best supporters of Facebook and is a proud owner of one of my books! (and that is a select club).

He was someone who was also deeply affected by the death of Teresa. In November last year I received a package with lots of gifts from various friends in America and there were 2Ā key ringsĀ sent by Teresa for me, as I knew how close he was with her I offered to send him one of theĀ key ringsĀ and he decided we should make a day of it and trek round London.

It was also a great opportunity for me to gain a form of closure on my grief for Teresa as together we planned to light a candle in St Margaret’s Church, next door to Westminster Abbey, as it was Ā one of the list of places she wanted to see when she was planning to visit me. Ā I could feel her presence as we lit the candles and I said a little prayer and it really did help lift my spirits, I know she would appreciate the gesture.

She was alsoĀ affectionatelyĀ known as “Donut” so we each ate a donut in her honour!


Following on from Central London we were lucky enough to have been given a free tour of Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium, which was awesome for me being a gooner!

After a long day of walking around London with Gary I headed back home absolutely shattered but spiritually uplifted having had a great day with a good friend. I have said it before and I will say it until I am blue in the face – nothing beats making plans with friends and getting yourself out of the home for a day! If you haven’t done it for a while please make some plans and go visit some sights, have a cuppa or do anything that breaks up the normal routine! Hell I will even meet you in London, if you are lucky to have a copy of my book like Gary was I will even sign it for you šŸ˜€

We even found a wonderfully named pub. Now I have my dreams of being famoose and I have been called a prick on plenty of occasions so the photo below is perfect!

The Famoose Cock!!

The Famoose Cock!!

Gary I salute you Sir for spending the day with me, despite my moaning about my knees LOL

Speaking of moaning – I had to spend 30 pence to use the toilet! 30p!! Talk about taking the piss šŸ˜€

People with a history of IBS related accidents do not have time to find the change machine and put coins into a turnstile but thankfully there was no messy ending!

Get making plans folks I promise you a day out will make a big difference for you!



The Moose Goes Sightseeing….

This gallery contains 30 photos.

I forgot all about these photos. In my mafia wars group on Facebook we have a cuddly moose on a tour of America and last summer Sheryl and I went sightseeing to London with the Moose as part of his … Continue reading