Free Today

I have made 2 of my ebooks free today on Amazon!

All I ask is that you write a review if you like the books and help spread the word to others (hopefully this will increase sales as total sales in 2 months is currently 1 book!)

free ebboks

free ebboks


head over to Amazon NOW and get the books! if you look closely at the photo you can see my other free book on the bottom left!

click here

Second Chances – A Book By Garry Williams

I started a novel in September last year but have been unable to continue with it since then. I wanted to show you the prologue and get your opinion on the start so far – hopefully so positive comments will inspire me to get started again.

so here goes…



Alone in the apartment, the silence of the room was deafening. Not even the recognisable familiar hum of the fridge-freezer, no noise coming from the Television, with the smashed screen destroyed in another fit of rage and frustration.

Just one single person curled up into a ball, unaware of the fact that it has been almost 4 days since he last moved. The electric had long since gone because he needed to put some money on to the key meter and couldn’t leave the sanctuary of home, couldn’t face the world outside.

The sun breaks through the windows and the warmth of its rays brings about a stirring, and suddenly the man is awake and full of intent, the nightmares have brought a moment of clarity and a way to finally ease the pain.

It would be so easy to end it all, no one would notice, days even weeks would pass before someone thinks to themselves “Haven’t seen Michael Walker for a while, I wonder if he is ok”

The so called “easy way out” seems so appealing, a simple yet effective way to bring an end to this life. It is easier said than done though because although Michael is an unhappy man he is not a brave one. Something as important as ending his life would take planning to make sure it was done properly. He always joked about how unlucky he was and deep down he knew if he attempted suicide he would only get it wrong.

And yet, this time he was serious about it all, his friends had long since given up on him. They had grown tired of his bitterness, the lack of vibrancy that once made him Mr Popular, the man everyone could turn to in an emergency to set the world to rights.

“Lock up your daughters here comes Michael” was a regular battle cry in brighter times as he would always manage to leave the night clubs with a different woman each week. Michael was a charmer, he had the ability to make anyone feel comfortable in his company. Women never stood a chance around him he had the lot, the looks, the confidence and most importantly he was a gentleman, in public at least.

But that was then and things changed the moment he met Isabella, the beauty who seemed so unobtainable. Michael fell head over heals in love and fell hard and fast, she had everything he looked for in a woman and before long he had given up everything to be with her.

Five years of bliss were painfully ripped away from him when one rainy night after a rare argument she walked out of the restaurant in tears, straight into the path of a stolen car, she never stood a chance and was pronounced dead on the scene. Michael held her in his arms as she took her last breath and struggled to let her body be taken away to the morgue. Only the sounds of the sirens from the Ambulance and Police cars could be heard above his screams of anguish.

Every night since that accident, approaching the second anniversary, was spent the same way. An empty bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand and a photo frame, with the last photograph taken of Isabella and Michael, across his chest Michael would finally drift off into sleep where he would again be reunited with his love.


Help The Moose – SOM Save Our Moose

Ok ladies and gentlemen I come to you in desperate need of your help, ideas and advice.

My books are not selling! My new book has sold 1 copy on kindle, and 4 paperbacks – of those 4 paperbacks I have bought 2 of them and the person who bought the kindle edition also purchased the paperback so it means only 3 people have bought the new book.

I am humbly asking for your help in suggesting ways to promote the books as I obviously have no idea how to do it and as a result my confidence is at ground zero!

I did a free promotion on the poetry book which generated 75 “sales” but no additional sales as a result so is it worth me making Diary of The Depressed Moose book 1 free to try and get some interest in the 2nd book?

Ideas and suggestions needed because I am at my wits end checking the sales and not seeing the figures go up and this is not helping my mood.

Depression and the feeling of being a failure are not helped by people not wanting my books – yes I know its silly but that is how depression works.

Click here for my authors page on Amazon and check out the books, maybe you can come up with better ideas for the descriptions anything that helps is welcomed.

Stepping Into the Light is Free Today!

To try and generate some interest in my books I have made the book of poetry, Stepping into the light – poems from the darkness, free today in the Amazon Kindle store.

You don’t even need to have a kindle you can download and install the Kindle for pc app from amazon and view it.

Please help to promote this book I would be very grateful.

If you do purchase and read the book please be kind enough to write a review of it on Amazon to help more people decide to buy it in the future. click here click here click here

The book, as are all my others are also available on Amazon sites in France, Germany, Japan, Spain, Italy and Brazil.

Thank you!

Even I can afford a free book

A Month of Stepping into the Light

Today is a month since my book of poems was published.

For those new to my blog the idea was for a collection of poems written by people with mental health illnesses with 50% of the proceeds being donated to Mind a charity based here in the UK.

I am disappointed to say the least that Mind have not helped me to promote the book, especially as more sales equals more money for them but my last contact with them was on 3rd September so I will assume they have forgotten about me and the book.

In terms of sales here is the breakdown for you – not including the free copies I gave to the people who contributed poems.

Smashwords – 8

Amazon – kindle version – 4

Amazon – Paperback – 22

So a grand total of 34 sales in 1 month which is not to bad really. Hopefully if Mind can get behind me it will increase the word of mouth and get people at the very least aware of the book. I guess I can cope with an average of 1 sale a day over a year that’s 365 books! (see I can look on the bright side)

The only blemish is that on smashwords 38 people were given copies of the book in return for a review to be written and thus far only 5 people have done that.  From what I can gather though it is pretty rare for a review to be done anyway so I wont hold it against people because I am nice like that!

The other good news is that my own book is outselling this one and the profits from that one are mine ALL MINE! (evil laugh)


Officially the Proudest Day of my Life!

Moose reading his paperbacks


Today is the proudest day of my life!

My paperbacks have finally arrived and you would not believe how emotional I am at seeing them!

All my hard work over the past few months did not feel real until this moment when I opened the parcel from Amazon and they there were!

I want to thank every single person who has supported me, be it with words of encouragement, or by buying my books because without the amazing support I receive from people these books would never have happened.

I have a spare copy of The Diary of The Depressed Moose I think I should sign it and list on Ebay could be worth a fortune 😀

Now I need to conquer my fear of leaving the flat for too long so I can sit on public transport reading the book laughing and crying at it to get some interest.

Big thank you to weegee who kindly donated the money for me to be able to buy my own books, yes I am that poor!

For the rest of the day I shall be known as the Grinning Like A Fool Moose

101 Reasons to be Cheerful

My books have now sold 101 copies!

That’s a pretty impressive number and a great way to start a week.

That is in all formats paperback and e book across amazon and smashwords.

And I am so proud of myself this morning!

I have even taken some screen shots of The Diary of The Depressed Moose’s ranking on

Paperback ranked #82 in books on depression book ranking


Kindle version rankings are even better

Kindle ranking from


My friends across the pond are letting the side down so looks like my planned book signing tour of the USA will need to be cancelled until they start buying the books (HINT HINT)

Monday morning, 10 hours sleep last night and 3 figures in book sales

This week is going to be my week I can just feel it!

Books Published by The Depressed Moose – Plug Time!

Big Plug

Desperate times call for desperate measures and as sales for September are stuck at 1 here is a gentle reminder of the books I have published in the hope that you will share will all your friends and they might take pity on me.

Did you know today was National Spread the Moose book links day?

oh you didnt? well its the first year of it’s existence 😀

Diary of The Depressed Moose

Diary of The Depressed Moose

Available on on Kindle and Paperback here

Available on for my friends in America here

Available in multi e-reader formats from smashwords here


Stepping into the Light – Poems from the Darkness

Stepping into the Light – Poems from the Darkness

This book of poetry is helping to raise money for the charity Mind with them receiving 50% of the profits. A great cause and well worth the few pounds/dollars

Available on on kindle here

on paperback at here

Paperback on here and kindle here

and multi e-reader formats on smashwords here


update in January to include

Diary of The Depressed Moose 2

Diary of The Depressed Moose 2

Available on here

available on here


Fly my pretties fly and spread the word! Remember my Christmas depends on the books selling so no pressure on you 🙂