2013 Targets

I am setting myself some targets this year as I found that having something to aim for really does make a difference in combating depression.

Some are more achievable than others but you gotta reach for the stars to get where you want to be at times.

So in no particular order here they come

  1. Sell 365 books. 

    Sounds a lot doesn’t it but that’s only one a day isn’t it. I will bug you all repeatedly until you buy my books just to shut me up

  2. Have only one chin and lose 2 stone.

    I am stuck on 16 stone and ideally want to get down to 12/13 stone so need to start shifting the pounds. This year I intend to be more active especially as I am doing the 10k run in May to raise money for MIND.

  3. Pay it Forward

    I want to help more people this year. I have had a lot of support from people and this year I will be aiming to help even more people beat depression.

  4. Publish more books

    Ideally I want to start on my romance novel again as it has been months since I touched it. Also have an A-Z of depression book idea that needs to take shape.

  5. Stop smoking

    So far this year I have gone down from 40 a day to 10 which is a good start. Soon I hope to have given up completely imagine how much money I will save which can help me with number 6

  6. Get more tattoos

    I want to get the words to “Abide with me” tattooed on me as it is a hymn that means a lot to me personally, then I want to get a godfather tattoo done (image of Vito Corleone with the words “I will make him an offer he can’t refuse”) and a couple more would be lovely 😀

  7. Go out more

    After having such a good time on New Years Eve I am determined to make sure that I go out once a month at least, not just out in terms of drinking but out in terms of seeing sights and spending quality time with Sheryl

  8. Visit relatives more

    I have a couple of relatives that I am particularly close to who are in their 80s and I don’t see them often enough, although I talk to them on the phone at least once a week I want to go and see them more especially the ones on their own.

  9. Smile

    Easy enough isn’t it? well we all know that it is easier said than done but at least if I am smiling (naturally) it means I am on the right track and doing well

  10. Not stress if I don’t reach these targets!

    The hardest one of the 10 but also the one with the most reward. The main thing is having targets to begin with, this time last year my only target was staying alive! and no I don’t mean in the Bee Gee sense of the word 😀


so there we have it, a whole set of things to strive for in 2013 and whether I meet one or all of these targets I can promise you all that I will be trying my very best to complete the set!

What are your aims for this year?

11 comments on “2013 Targets

  1. Lose more weight, make more stuff, sell a few things and declutter more crap from my life. Small steps, attainable targets and no pressure.


  2. My main resolution is to be completely honest with people, including myself. Sometimes, it’s too easy to hide away in denial, lying to the people you care about, for fear of hurting them. Keeping secrets doesn’t help anyone and you only hurt yourself, in my experience.

    You’ve got a lot of positive things to aim for this year but you don’t have to achieve them all. 🙂


  3. Pingback: Why Having Something to Look Forward to is Important | The Depressed Moose

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