Why I Blog and How Often

  • This blog is about my battle with depression. It is my real battle not a work of fiction and I am doing it as a form of therapy for me.
  • I am hoping that people will learn something about depression by reading this or even recognise the symptoms in themselves or a loved one.
  • It is hopefully going to create discussion about depression and together we can try and end the stigma of depression.
  • I aim to post daily however I write when the mood takes me so you may find some days there are multiple posts and other days nothing. I do not want to post for the sake of posting.
  • Everything I write is from the heart and my own personal experiences

I appreciate all the comments on my posts and do try to reply to all of them. If you can take the time to comment I can take the time to respond to you!

Without my readers this blog will not last and your support means a lot to me from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!

For a complete list of all my posts from day one to now please head to the Moose Tracks page

13 comments on “Why I Blog and How Often

  1. As a self-healer (cannot afford health insurance), I have learned a lot about chemical imbalances. Working as I do now with people overcoming chemical addictions, I realize that what we consume plays a huge role in health. I have been fighting with what is probably chronic prostatitis and possibly cancer for some time. Diet is everything for me. After watching several friends die of Chemotherapy, I refuse to go that route. I’ve heard that vitamin C stops heroin withdrawal. It needs more study, especially by me. I have had depression, and I have used Bible reading and music to help. On my new diet, it’s infrequent. Fatigue brings it on sometimes. God bless you. Hang in there.


  2. Thank you for following me, I came over to check out your blog and like so many have decided to change. Love the list of topics in order! I’m going to start working my way through them. Looking forward to getting to know you. ~ AG


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